You can easily integrate the Momoyoga schedule with your website. We offer schedule integration options such as Wordpress, Squarespace,, Joomla, and JavaScript.
Read more about the integration options of Momoyoga.
After you've successfully integrated the schedule with your site, you might be wondering what the customer journey now looks like. Well, that's a great question. 🧐
Integrated schedule
A successfully integrated schedule could look like this:
If a yogi visits the schedule page on your site and wants to book a class right away, they have to click on the Book now link next to the respective class first.
After a yogi clicks on Book now, they will be redirected to the class page on Momoyoga:
After the customer clicks on Book now again, they enter the regular Momoyoga yogi customer journey funnel. Read more about what the yogi customer journey looks like.
After completing the customer journey
After the yogi gets a confirmation of the membership or class pass they have now successfully purchased, they will also get a confirmation of the class they have now successfully booked through the schedule.
That's it. Now a member of your studio has booked their first class through the Momoyoga schedule that has been freshly integrated with your site. 👏
Please note: our Momoyoga support team isn’t trained at in-depth technical troubleshooting of website integrations. If you need further assistance regarding your website integration, please contact your website developer.