When you choose for an annual payment, you'll save 20% on the total amount. You pay this amount in advance in one go. Your annual payment is based on the number of teachers in your account at that time. Should you make any adjustments to the number of teachers within your annual period, a new invoice will be created. The amount of this new invoice is dependent on the teacher adjustment and the time you have left on your annual period.
The yearly flat fee of $192 is the base price for a Momoyoga account on a Professional Plan with one teacher included. Each additional teacher you add costs $48/year ($5x12 - 20% discount for annual subscriptions).
- Flat fee: $192
- Price per year per teacher: $48
- Say you add a second teacher after 6 months into your annual period. Then, a new invoice will be created. As mentioned, the amount of the new invoice is also dependent on the time you have left on your annual period.
- This new invoice will be $48 divided by two because you are halfway your annual period. So the amount for the invoice will be $24.
Detailed information about this calculation can be found in the invoice.
You can find more information about our plans and pricing on our Pricing page.
How much do I save on an annual subscription?
By paying annually, you'll save đź’° each month. When you switch from monthly payment to annual payment, you'll save 20% on the total amount. You pay this amount in advance in one go. Let's take an independent yoga teacher for example. Instead of the standard price of $25 per month, the teacher would pay only $20 per month. Likewise, a yoga studio with 5 teachers would pay $52 per month instead of $65 per month. With the annual membership, because you are receiving a 20% discount, this means you will not receive a partial refund if you cancel in the middle of your subscription.
Payment options
Friendly reminder: Only the admin can access the My Plan page to manage the number of teachers and access invoices.
Credit card and IBAN
If you've been paying month-to-month and already have a credit card or IBAN bank account number on file, you can make an annual payment right from the My Plan page. Click on Switch to Annual in the billing section of the page, then Make annual payment to confirm.
Annual renewal
As soon as you update your billing plan, the system will confirm your next billing date. By default, the annual renewal of your subscription will be charged automatically to the credit card or IBAN bank account number on file when there isn't enough prepaid credit remaining on your account.
If for any reason, you're unhappy with your Momoyoga purchase, you can cancel your account. If you have an annual subscription and you cancel prior to the end of the term, the remaining credit will continue to run until the credit runs out and it stops. Because you are receiving a 20% discount on your annual subscription, you will not receive a partial refund.
Read more about how our pricing plans work.
Billing currency
Studios operating in Europe will be billed in Euros (€, EUR). Studios operating outside of Europe will be billed in US dollars ($, USD).