When you have set up recurring memberships for your studio with direct debit, the payments will be automatically registered through Momoyoga. When consulting the Orders and payments overview, you can find the status of the direct debit.
When a direct debit fails, we recommend that you first check why the payment could not take place. For example, the yogi payment information is not added (see explanation below), the yogi has blocked the payment or there are insufficient funds.
If you are still using our legacy payment feature Stripe or Mollie, you can retry the direct debit as follows:
- Login to Momoyoga
- Go to Orders
- A link will be visible underneath the non paid order: 'Click here to try again'
- Click this link and the direct debit will be sent out again
If you use Momoyoga's enhanced payment feature, you can send a payment reminder with a payment link to the yogi:
- Login to Momoyoga
- Go to Orders
- Click the unpaid product
- Scroll down and click Send reminder in the blue highlighted box
- Click Send email
Through that link, the yogi will pay for that single, unpaid iteration of the recurring membership. This will take them through the same flow as if it were a class pass.
Important to note: this will not adjust the saved payment details for future iterations. Additionally, your yogis will need to update their payment details in Momoyoga using the instructions below.
Quick tip!
It may be helpful to add a bit of text in the Order confirmation / Payment reminder email that says:
If you have a recurring membership with our studio, please confirm your payment details are updated in Momoyoga. You can do this by clicking Your name, Edit payment details, Confirm.
Momoyoga's enhanced payment feature: updating yogi payment details
If you have switched from our old payment provider Mollie or Stripe to Momoyoga's online payment feature, the yogi payment details must be re-entered. This information could not be transferred in the process due to the privacy agreement with Stripe. This could be the reason why a direct debit has failed.
Yogis can do this, simply by:
- Logging into Momoyoga
- Clicking their name
- Clicking Edit payment details
- Updating the payment details
- Clicking Confirm
Studios can also do this, by:
- Navigating to the yogi profile
- Clicking Manage account
- Clicking Edit payment details
- Updating the payment details
- Clicking Confirm
- Clicking Submit
You can now send a payment reminder email with a payment link to the yogi.
Find more information on Momoyoga’s enhanced payment feature here.
Still have questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us.