When you want to compensate a yogi for missing a class, you can give the yogi a 'gift card.' A gift card is a class pass that allows the yogi to get free credit for one or two classes. The yogi can use the gift card when booking their next class.
You can create a gift card in exactly the same way as when you create a regular class pass.
- Go to Pricing
- Click on Add class pass
- Name the class pass, i.e. 'Gift card' or 'Compensation'
- Set the price at 0
- Choose the number of credits (classes)
- Untick the Yogis can buy this class pass online box
- Click on Submit
Next, allocate the gift card to the yogi profile. You can take the following steps:
- Go to Yogis
- Select the respective yogi profile
- Select the created gift card from the dropdown list in the memberships and class passes section on the right side of the page
- Click on Submit
The yogi can now select the gift card when booking their next class.
Related article:
How can I add a class pass?