Combine Momoyoga with your video streaming service of choice. For example, use Zoom, Whereby, Google Hangouts, or Skype.
New to online teaching? Read our step-by-step Guide to Online Teaching and get started in minutes.
Once you've set up your video service, login to Momoyoga and add an online class, or change your current class schedule into online classes.
Creating an online class
- Go to Classes
- Click Add class and fill out all fields
- Select the option This is an online class
- Add your custom video streaming link (e.g. Zoom) to the field Link to the online class. Make sure this link includes the meeting ID and embedded password (if applicable) as well.
- Fill out the Additional information field as needed. You may choose to include your meeting ID and password here as well.
- Select Send automatic email before class starts. This email will be sent to your yogis 30 minutes before the class starts.
- Click Add class
The online class has now been added to your schedule.
Updating an existing class
- Go to Classes
- Click on the class title you want to edit
- Click Edit class
- Select the option This is an online class
- Add your custom video streaming link (e.g. Zoom) to the field Link to the online class. Make sure this link includes the meeting ID and embedded password (if applicable) as well.
- Fill out the Additional information field as needed. You may choose to include your meeting ID and password here as well.
- Select Send automatic email before class starts. This email will be sent to your yogis 30 minutes before the class starts.
- Click Save
How can my yogis access the online class link?
As you know, Momoyoga sends an automated email out 30-minutes before the start of class with log-in instructions. If your yogi signs up after this period, they will not receive the email. There are even rare cases where a yogi's email provider blocks Momoyoga's automated emails and assigns them to the Spam Folder.
No worries though, our system is set up so that yogis who have registered for the class will always have access to the online class information in Momoyoga.
To access the Zoom link and the additional information, your yogis simply need to log into Momoyoga 30-minutes before the start of class, click the title of the booked class, and click the Go to online class button in the pop-up window.
Optionally, you can configure Momoyoga to send the online class information email to the yogis automatically. If you edit the class after this email has been sent, a new email will be sent out to the yogis.