Momoyoga offers a JavaScript version of the schedule that you can integrate with any page from your website.
We also offer other schedule integration options such as Wordpress, Squarespace,, and Joomla.
JavaScript displays classes for the upcoming 8 weeks (with a maximum of 100 classes). If a visitor clicks on Book now, they will be redirected to Momoyoga.
Do I need to be a developer?
Adding the Momoyoga schedule to your website is easy. You only need 60 seconds of your time, but it does require some minor JavaScript knowledge. The installation is very similar to a Google Analytics installation (i.e. copying and pasting the code into the pages of your website).
Please note: our Momoyoga support team isn’t trained at in-depth technical troubleshooting of website integrations. If you need further assistance regarding your website integration, please contact your website developer. We currently do not support iFrame. There are a number of yoga studios that have successfully integrated the Momoyoga schedule with their own website using iFrame, but we cannot guarantee the schedule to function accordingly. If still want to try it, we advise you to first discuss this with your website developer.
How can I add the schedule to my website with JavaScript?
If you want to integrate your Momoyoga schedule with your JavaScript website, follow the steps below carefully.
Step 1: JavaScript
Place these lines at the bottom of the page content right before the closing </body> tag:
<script src="" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> |
Step 2: CSS (optional)
In case you want to use styling of the schedule provided by us, add the following stylesheet to the <head> of your website layout:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" crossorigin="anonymous"> |
Step 3: Schedule container
Add the following <div> container to where you would like the schedule to appear:
<div class="momoyoga-schedule" data-momo-schedule="[schedule URL here]"></div> |
Replace the content of the data-momo-schedule attribute with the URL of your class schedule. This could, for example, look like
Make sure to include the momoyoga-schedule CSS class if want to use the stylesheet supplied by us.
You’re done!
After following these steps, the schedule should be visible on your website.
Share the schedule link
You can also share the schedule on your website by placing a schedule link. Find out how to add a schedule link to your website.