Typically, yogis will purchase their own products (class passes or memberships). This can be directly from the class schedule when signing up for a class or from inside Momoyoga on the "My schedule" page.
In this case, if they are paying with Mollie, Stripe, or PayPal they redirected to the studio's payment provider.
In some cases a yogi studio or teacher may want to assign a product to a yogi. They may do this when the yogi has purchased the product before using Momoyoga, or they want to offer a discount, adjust the number of credits, or validity period for this particular yogi.
To assign a product to a yogi:
- Go to Yogis and search for the yogi
- Click on the yogi's profile
- Click Add membership or class pass
- Click on the product you would like to add
Because the product was not added by the yogi, it will not go through the payment workflow. Therefore you will have to send a payment reminder to the yogi.
To send a payment reminder:
- Go to Yogis and search for the yogi
- Click on the yogi's profile
- Click on the pencil icon next to membership or class pass you would like to edit
- Click Send payment reminder
- Click Submit
Learn more about customising your payment reminder email to include payment instructions or a payment link to Stripe or PayPal or mention that you prefer cash at the studio.
Since you have manually assigned the product, the payment status must also be updated manually. After you have received the payment for this assigned product, you can change the payment status to paid yourself.
To change the payment status of a product:
- Go to Yogis and search for the yogi profile
- Click on yogi's profile
- Click on the pencil icon next to membership or class pass you would like to edit
- Change the Payment status from No to Yes
- Click Submit
The payment status is now paid in Momoyoga.
You have now successfully assigned a new product to a yogi, sent the payment reminder, and updated the payment status.