You can choose to set all monthly passes to begin on the first of the month. Make sure the membership will start on the first of the month. If a yogi wants to start halfway a month you can choose between two options to make this work.
Option 1: Assigning and adjusting a membership
- Assign the membership to a yogi
- Adjust the end date to the last day of the current month
- Adjust the price of this membership. The recurring membership as set will repeat itself from the first of the month and will recur with the default price for the monthly membership
Option 2: Assign a temporarily class pass:
- Create a class pass that is similar to the membership you want to assign to the yogi
- Make sure the class pass is not available online for yogis
- Edit validity of the credit until the end of the current month
- Assign the recurring membership to the yogi, starting the first of the month
The membership will now repeat at the first of the month.